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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Citroen Visa Super X (1980)

Citroen Visa Super X (1980)
Added On September 16, 2024
Views 192
Downloads 12
Version High Stakes
Brand Citroen
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
10/10 - 1 votes
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NFS:HS Features

Class B Serial #
Damage Dashboard New
Convertible Vidwall
Windows Licence Plate
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0


CITROEN Visa Super X (1980)

Thanks for downloading my car, i hope you'll like it.This is my 3rd car for Need For Speed HS,

built from "scratch" in excelent ZModeler program, and probably the best one from me.

This .viv file contains two versions of Citroen Visa; normal accurate Visa super X from 1980 year,

with realistic performance (165 km/h) and tuned version with few minor mesh and texture changes

(200 km/h). Tuned version is available as first (and only) upgrade in career mode, however you can

choose this version as a first choice by renaming car1.fce, car100.tga and carp1.txt into car.fce,

car00.tga and carp.txt in car.viv file using "NFS-Wizard" program.Of course, before that rename

original car.fce, car00.tga and carp.txt to something else.

Both car have around 2200 poly's per body, so expect some slowdown in game on slower systems.

I tested car on my PC( PII 400 MHZ, 64 MB RAM, 16MB SGRAM Video Card) and there was no problem at all, even on highest resolutions.

Instalation; In data/cars folder of your NFSHS game create new folder called visa, and unzip car.viv file there (serial number of car is 4 ).Visa.qfs unzip to /data/FeArt/VidWall.That's all.

BIG BIG thanks goes to Thijs van der Zanden who provided me lots of excelent Visa pics, i couldn't make my car without that.Thanks again Thijs!

Also thanks to Harry Prins and Mikko Salonen, webmasters of CitSportSite----> for sending me some pics, and more important for linking me with Thijs.(if you like citroens then you simply MUST visit their CitSportSite, it's realy great!)

Small thanks goes to Andrew Minney , but he's more important for my next project. At the end, thanks to all guys from NFS CHEATS Editing Arena forum, for support and feedback. 

Hrvoje Mrkovic 03.04.2001 E-mail:

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