Need for Speed High Stakes Showroom

LRF Modding's Mercedes-Benz W165 vs Cord 812 Sedan

Mercedes-Benz W165 vs Cord 812 Sedan

1937 Cord 812 Sedan


1939 Mercedes-Benz W165 Silberpfeil

Cars made by Freak-DS & Gert Steidle

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Visitor Comments

  • noise - 7 months ago
    User Date

     Nice combo, 2 supercharged cars.

    Merc. is by Fangio (J.M. Fangio also drove it in 1955 b.t.w.)

    Cord by Freak-DS, (converted from Mafia game.)

    edited by noise 7 months ago
    • LRF Modding - 7 months ago
      User Date

      Merc is by Gert Steidle in NFSCars.

  • Cooya! - 7 months ago
    User Date

    Gert Steidle's alter ego was "Fangio".. so both of you are right ;)

    But FreakDS's Cord was not converted from Mafia! It was completely scatch made ;)

  • noise - 7 months ago
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    pete95167 months ago

    @Cooya!: Just checked the readme of the Cord and only engine &horn sound come from Mafia. Freak-ds learned to know the car in mafia and made it himself.

    There's also someone credited for "watching for mistakes in the model". And he even watches for mistakes in comments.;)


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