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Vector W8 Twin Turbo
Additional Screenshots
Car Name: Vector W8 Twin Turbo
Base Model: Need for Speed: World Sparkserver
Cost: 200.000
Unlock Condition: Unlocked after defeating Blacklist #3 Ronnie
- Bodykits: Stock + 5
- Spoilers: Vanilla + New Custom Spoilers
- Hoods: Vanilla + New Custom Hoods
- Rims: All Vanilla Rims
- Headlights: Stock + 4 Custom Headlights
- Roof Scoops: All Vanilla Roof Scoops
- License Plate: Stock
- Stock Color
- 512x & 1024 vinyls
- Working decals
- Working brakelights
- Working headlights
- New performance data
Make sure you already have Binary, VLT-Ed, & NFS: MW Unlimiter installed. The installation is very easy.
1. Open your Binary & select "User Mode"
2. Choose "Binary Data Install.end"
3. Select your MW folder
4. Choose the optional option
5. Save, but don't run your game yet
6. Open your Vlt-Ed and then import the "VLT Data Install.nfsms"
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page & select which MW you're using
8. Close the window & then save it
9. Have fun
Q: How to fix "X Language.bin doesn't exist" error?
A: It shouldn't be happened again with my new updated Binary script. But just in case if it's happened: Download, extract & put all this Language.bin ffile in your MW "LANGUAGE" folder
Q: Modloader version when?
A: Never
Q: Can I include this car to my modpack?
A: Depends, ask me on Discord first, steven_yt2
Q: Can I request this car for a next mod?
A: Depends, ask me on Discord first, steven_yt2 or B345T
- KenjaMago (Custom performance, livery, & tester)
- Riverflo (Rip model NFSW Sparkserver)
- Dynamitechips (Tester)
- B345T (Custom headlights)
- MaxHwoy (Binary)
- nlgzrgn (Unlimiter, ExOpts, & parts)
- nfsu360 (VltEd & Cartoolkit)
Visitor Comments
amazing car, bro!
Not to discredit the efforts that went into this...
It kinda looks like a toy car from the preview
Especially the tail lights
Good choice of car brand tho 🔥
Yall go hard on this Vector 🔥🔥🔥
Showcase Video here:
Dudes I take back what I said
This thing ROCKS good job
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