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1998 Eagle Talon TSi AWD
Additional Screenshots
This car was converted from Forza Motorsport 4, 7, NFS ProStreet, NFS Unbound, Juiced 2, and The Crew 2 by YochiThMaster333 aka Eevee (me).
- Bodykits
- Spoilers
- Rims
- Hoods
- Brakes
- Headlights
- Taillights
- Side Mirrors
- Attachments (in order: Seats, Steering Wheel, Roll Cage, Rear Trunk, Muffler Tip)
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Rim Paint
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Licenseplates
- Working brakelights
- Available at game start
- Costs 35000 in career mode
- Adapted for YTM's Rim Pack
Known bugs:
- Anyone at the moment
How to install:
- Download and install NFSMW Unlimiter
- Run Binary v2.8.3 as an administrator, click on red (User Mode) icon, then pick TALON.end and look for NFSMW game directory (ignore the errors if there are any)
- Run NFS-VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSMW game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick TALON.nfsms. Save.
- Run the game and create a new save game. If the car appears visible properly, then you did all right.
Q: What is game directory?
A: That's the folder where your NFSMW installed
Q: ModLoader version when?
A: Never.
Q: What about Ed TCD version?
A: Better add Ed TCD cars via Binary instead.
Q: My game crashes when I try to put the vinyl!
A: You installed the car with 512x vinyls in a game build with 1024x vinyls, hence the crash in vinyls. However, this mod (for the first time) features installation option between 512x and 1024x vinyls.
Uploaded on:
- (this site)
Please don't reupload to these sites.
Thanks to:
- nfsu360 for his NFS-CarToolkit
- Oleg M. for Zmodeler
Version 1.1
uploaded July 2, 2023
Eevee uploaded a new version. The new file is 29.23 MB.
- Added Mine's Lancer Evo VI rims
- Replaced Kaminari kit's rear bumper with stock one because the Robocar-like rear bumper looks too goofy and uncanny with Kaminari front bumper and skirts (and to not make even more goofier, I will not bring Kaminari kit's actual rear bumper because its shape is of Eclipse rather than of Talon)
- Added Unlimiter v4 Support (requires, obviously, Unlimiter v4, especially Release Candidate 1 release onwards):
-- Added bodykit and attachment icons (thanks to Vee-Tec for VIS Racing icon which I used it as base for other bodykit icons)
-- Added prices to Extra Customization parts and Forza kit
-- The tire texture which comes installed with this mod is no longer included as Unlimiter v4 already features tire texture by default -
Initial version
uploaded June 3, 2023
Eevee uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.
Visitor Comments
I only took parts from ProStreet's Eclipse, rest is all Forza (with parts from NFS Unbound and Juiced 2's Eclipses).
Sadly, the only good Eagle Talon model I could find was the Forza model.
The Truth is. This mod has awakened a memory of this vehicle had appeared in the first Forza Motorsport as an starter car (In the American Region).
I had good memories with this car and it's good see it's out of forza motorsport now as a mod in most wanted.Error: You must be logged in to comment on this car.
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