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Zalcus20May 18, 2023
AJ_LethalMay 18, 2023

Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Atlantica ReVisited

Atlantica ReVisited
Added On May 17, 2023
Views 2,213
Downloads 135
Version High Stakes
Original Track Atlantica
Favorited 2 times
Average Rating
9.5/10 - 6 votes
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Atlantica ReVisited

Name of Designer: JimDiabolo aka GER_JimD


Name of Track: Atlantica_ReVisited

Date of release: 16 May 2023

Latest verion: 16 May 2023

Version: 140

Replacement for : Atlantica

Modeled after: Atlantica & Aquatica

Preview video:


- Textures Atlantica & Aquatica combined in one qfs file.

- Complete new track shape.

- Many 3D objects, including type 6 objects.

- Slide & vidwall pictures. Thanks to AJ Lethal for his guide.

- New shadows and lights.

- Bots can drive a full lap without crashing.

- Night version.

--> General Copyrights:


You may put this file on your website, as long as the package includes this readme, the slide & vidwal file!

Please respect that it took many hours to make it look, like it is now.

The contents are provided on an as-is basis, handle at your own risk.

--> Installation:

Just use the 'Import New Track' function from the NFS HS Mixer.

If you want to install manually follow these steps :

1) Extract "Tr.frd" and all other files to "X:\NFS4\Data\Tracks\Atlantic",

whereas "X:\NFS4" is the path of your NFS:HS-Installation.

2) Move the "T12.qfs" to "X:\NFS4\Data\FeArt\VidWall".

3) Move the "T12_00.qfs" to "X:\NFS4\Data\FeArt\Slides".

IMPORTANT : Looks best with 'View Distance' set to full and Night View Distance patch.


Credits and thanks to:

-Nappe1, Denis Auroux and Hoo for the Track Editor.

-Denis Auroux for the fsh tool.

-Fangio's for the Track design Tutorial.

-EA for the game.

-All at NFSaddons who gave me suggestions & help for t3ed & tracks.


Have fun with it,

JimDiabolo aka GER_JimD

Visitor Comments

  • EvoX - 2 years ago
    User Date
    JimDiabolo2 years ago

    Wow. It's not worse than mine. It's better in many aspects. Looks and drives like a hybrid of Aquatica+Atlantica. Bots are insane) I love the sky and the background, more polished than the scrapers I made for my Atlantic Underground) Tunnel textures too... It's so cool many stars came back like ya and Butch. Peace.

    edited by EvoX 2 years ago
  • WiLL - 2 years ago
    User Date
    JimDiabolo2 years ago

    Hi Jim I did drive your track it's great I just have a few Questions, please try not to be offended, by any of them ok )

    1. Is when I try to open your Tr0.qfs track textures in Nfs wizard it won't let me says some error? Wasent sure why it does it.

    2. Bud um, also your Sky is great an city scapes nice !πŸ™‚

    3. Um, ) what does the young girl with the red balloon symbolize for you? Meaning of that cool picture. Np... I'm guessing you let out your hard works to us!  Thanks hmm? 

    4. Can you tell me how to do this shading at all for day time, can you send in a Pm note? An possibly how make them tunnel light shade at night time to. how to do that?

    Since I don't really know how. 😞Too  All the way.  It be nicer if you could teach me how.  At all Hmm,,, I know it's asking a lot. 

    Great track. JimD Bud   also thanks for making the T3ED much better!! After all this time.  πŸ”₯πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈπŸ”₯ πŸ‘ 😎

    edited by WiLL 2 years ago
    • JimDiabolo - 2 years ago
      User Date
      EvoX2 years ago

      1. Is when I try to open your Tr0.qfs track textures in Nfs wizard it won't let me says some error? Wasent sure why it does it.

      I don't use the Nfs wizard. I'm using my modified version of FSH Tool.

      2. Bud um, also your Sky is great an city scapes nice !πŸ™‚

      Thanks. Actually I made the sky texture before I started on the track. :)

      3. Um, ) what does the young girl with the red balloon symbolize for you? Meaning of that cool picture. Np... I'm guessing you let out your hard works to us! Thanks hmm?

      I just love Banksy's pictures. I recently went to an exhibition of the works. It's one of the first finds if you google it.

      4. Can you tell me how to do this shading at all for day time, can you send in a Pm note? An possibly how make them tunnel light shade at night time to. how to do that?
      I've played around a lot with the "Shadow Raytracer", especially now that the lights are also taken into account. In the tunnel with the curved ceiling I had to add some invisible polygons to make it look good. These are not visible in game, but block beams of light in a few desired locations. Maybe I'll make a video about it.

      Glad you like the track. You know how much time it takes for that.

      edited by JimDiabolo 2 years ago
  • WiLL - 2 years ago
    User Date

    That's good yes I hope you can do the Video nice to see it, if I could learn that more?) I thought your your Recycling bins was to heavy in mass πŸ˜‰ 

    But is ok, nice art from them. 😊

  • AJ_Lethal - 2 years ago
    User Date
    EvoX2 years ago
    pete95162 years ago
    WiLL2 years ago
    JimDiabolo2 years ago
    Barring a few bugs here and there, this is one of the most impressive tracks I've seen in years. I love how the cliffside area turned out.
    • JimDiabolo - 2 years ago
      User Date
      pete95162 years ago


      I've already done a lot more here than I actually wanted to. Finally I was thinking about replacing textures. But then it might never have been finished.;)

  • Zalcus20 - 2 years ago
    User Date

    A beautiful merge of Atlantica and Aquatica with a new track shape, type 6 objects, intelligent AI, and a beautiful night atmosphere. 

    I appreciate that you took the time to make sure that there were no sticky walls on the main road. I know the shortcuts are difficult to prevent the sticky walls. Maybe I'll fix this for you on this track and your "track 8" when I get more free time.

    Overall, excellent work, JimDiabolo!

    edited by Zalcus20 2 years ago
    • JimDiabolo - 2 years ago
      User Date

      I'm glad you like it.

      "Maybe I'll fix this for you on this track and your "track 8" when I get more free time."

      If you find the time I wouldn't stop you. There are always things I'm not so good at.:cool:

    • EvoX - 2 years ago
      User Date
      Zalcus202 years ago
      Cool because the 8 track has finish issues and sometimes i get lost on it haha
    • Zalcus20 - 2 years ago
      User Date
      EvoX2 years ago

      :laughcry: You and me both.

      The AI bots get lost on it, too. They make a wrong turn and fail to complete a lap. Who knew a figure 8 can cause so much trouble? lol. 
    • pete9516 - 2 years ago
      User Date
      EvoX2 years ago

      Are you talking about backwards direction? When i race the 8 track against AI racers i'm always last if i don't cut it haha


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