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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Downloads
This is a conversion tool to extract all the geometry data stored in the Need for Speed II und III PS1 files (*.TRK + .COL).
Changelog 0.85:
There was an error in the code, now all maps should work.
The animation trajectory's last bytes are the two rotation angles Theta and Phi.
This work is based on the tool "FRD2LWO" by KROM
I modified his tools with the help of the .TRK Specification file from Denis Auroux, who responed to one of my questions even 24 years after he wrote this specification.
The tool needs the original .frd and .col files in the same directory because the texture reference table and some global geometry are stored in the .col file.
This shoud work without renaming the original files, even if their names don't correspond.
For the textures; just use the fshtool for NFSII and for NFS3PS1 you need to convert the psh files to TIM with the NFS4 PSH Editor v0.1b then convert them to TGA with the TIM2view editor.
To import the lwo files and the textures into blender, I use the 'blender-import-lwo' tool from nangtani.
I wrote a little makro so speed-up the import: IO_Batch_import_lwo, which you have to put into your Blender addons directory
So what is improved against the original frd2lwo converter:
-triangles can be convertet,
-textures should be in the right place and correctly oriented.
-All maps have been tested and seem working
-No geometry is skipped
What is ignored:
- Low resolution Polygons
- Clipping rectangle around the blocks
- XBID 5
- XBID 4
- XBID 6
- XBID 13
- XBID 9
- XBID 2: Information about the texture transparency and luminosity
- XBID 15
What's missing:
- What is stored in the XBID 11?
- What is the meaning of the 4 last bytes of an XBID 7/18 type 4?
- Where is the information stored that a texture has to swich every now and then (flag waving, light turning on and off)
- Where is the trigger for the sounds and the lights stored?
- The street stripes in the NFS3PS1 are missing, and I can't find where they are stored.
- Where are the positions for the still standing vehicles in NFSII stores (kiosks, T-Rex,...)
In the release, I added a little modified verion of the .TRK File Specification from Auroux with some additionnal comments.
If you have answers to those questions don't hesitate to contact me at goschidetlef[at]
My dream is to see those beautiful old maps ported into new engines and to race them down again like in old times:
The User TOAST ported already all NFS 3+4 maps to Wreckfest, even the hidden PS1 tracks:
So my feature projects are improving the frd2lwo converter, bring this trk2blender converter to perfection and try to make a map converter fot the NFS V Porsche game.
Any help is welcome if you have some more informations on these formats lurking around.
Greetz to me first newborn babygirl who gave me some nostalgic feelings about these old racing games I used to play a lot:)
Version 0.86
uploaded February 13, 2023
Goschi uploaded a new version. The new file is 984.39 KB.
Fixed some problems with tracks that had polygons made out of less than 3 different points. -
Version 1.1
uploaded April 29, 2022
Goschi uploaded a new version. The new file is 863.45 KB.
Changelog 0.85:
There was an error in the code, now all maps should work.
The animation trajectory's last bytes are the two rotation angles Theta and Phi. -
Initial version
uploaded February 14, 2022
Goschi uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.
Visitor Comments
this is so cool, i hope you succeed in making this for all classic nfs :)
maybe even a blender to trd editor :D
The Blender addon is from here:
I tried it with the newest blender Version and it still works
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