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Need for Speed The Need For Speed II Downloads

The Room

The Room
Added On March 10, 2024
Views 824
Downloads 46
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10/10 - 4 votes
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The Room

Converted nfs3psx track into nfs2pc

Move all files (TRK/COL/QFS/HRZ) into the TRACKS/SE folder. I recommend 04 slot (Last Resort) because of appearing objects on roads from original tracks
I recommend to use Veroks patch game version.
This version is only for 3dfx graphics, / in Veroks config set Special Edition for textures type.
Dont worry, the textures look like in software graphics edition:)

This is track 11 out of 15 in nfs3to2 project

Huge thanks to Denis Auroux for files descriptions, it would be never possible without his great investigation.

Another big thanks to TsTg, who helped me always, when i get stucked in some bigger "technical" problem during developing and converting.
I recommend to look on his Track Extender for nfs2

Also thanks to Hypercycle who alerted me about the similiar structures of files between games and based on which I started it. And for provided textures by him.

Video of race track in both directions here:

Visitor Comments

  • bug110 - 5 months ago
    User Date
    NESCAFE5 months ago
    Nikster4 months ago


  • DrSpeed - 5 months ago
    User Date
    JimDiabolo5 months ago
    NESCAFE5 months ago
    bug1105 months ago
    Nikster4 months ago

    Fantastic work! Tricky to drive, but fun challenge!


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