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SOTD - May 6th, 2014

Submitted By:
Paul Spain
Average Rating:
9/10 - 2 votes
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Visitor Comments

  • Remko - 10 years ago
    User Date
    Good job catching a Porsche with those cars - no offense ;)
    And what track is that, San Franciso?
  • XJ220 - 10 years ago
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    pete95163 months ago
    The huge blue beacons must have blinded the Porsche driver even though he's wearing sunglasses :)
  • Paul Spain - 10 years ago
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    Remko: Nope..Track is U.S.S.R. for the upcoming ColdWar mod (replaces Durham Road) it's made from modding Durham City Beta 3 with the images from Stalker Chernobyl (thanks to MadMan NFS)

    Nils: Well Tesla AZD wasn't all that great a light really..Due to it's oddly shaped rotator in there it doesn't show the whole light well..It seems to show better from the front and back than the sides..Check out this video:

    I doubt this blinds anyone XD.

  • Gustingorriz - 10 years ago
    User Date
    If this are the AA class cop cars in Soviet Russia...I cant imagine what they use for B class...

    Muy guapos los coches Paul (Si hablas espaƱol)
  • MADMAN_nfs - 10 years ago
    User Date
    How's your progress on the police station Paul? :)
  • Paul Spain - 10 years ago
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    MADMAN_nfs: Working on that now since I have freetime..I might take some of those small buildings you showed me out and replace them with the police station, I couldn't find much pics of the old styled ones from the ColdWar but I gather they were just 2-3 story buildings with a МИ/ИЦИЯ sign on them..I did see small booths for the Highway Patrol though which was with ГАИ on them.

    I have to watch though because I have to moniter poly count on tracks..Too high and the vehicles I have lined up for police will crash the game and also I won't be able to put flags of each country in tracks. Other than these 2 draw backs all should go fine.
  • Remko - 10 years ago
    User Date
    Interesting project, guys, I'm curious to see more. ;)
  • Freak-DS - 10 years ago
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    that track reminds me of one jp had done.. i just forgot the name.
  • Remko - 10 years ago
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    Durham City?
  • Paul Spain - 10 years ago
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    Freak-DS Durham City Beta 3..It's on here I believe..One of the few places people can get the track since JP Racing shut down. I plan on putting these tracks out everywhere, The vehicles will be at NFS Police H.Q. though.
  • EvoX - 3 months ago
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    pete95163 months ago
    So, I jeez wonder if that Cold War mod was ever released? Or maybe a draft version is available somewhere. 10 years after I found this picture again. Ah, memories...
    • pete9516 - 3 months ago
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      EvoX3 months ago

      It's always interesting to read comments of a SOTD which are as old as a decade

      EDIT: Around that time, i've been racing this game online in IPLounge for the very first time and my first online racing time has been with SK[Nath], that was the time where i realised what a small fart in the wind i am in things of skills LoL

      edited by pete9516 3 months ago
    • EvoX - 3 months ago
      User Date

      Heh, cool. Btw, we are not using 2101 as police cars for about 25 years, I suppose. Now there are Grantas, Vestas and different Skodas. So this looked rather funny in 2014:)

      edited by EvoX 3 months ago

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