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1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
Additional Screenshots
This car was converted from Forza Motorsport 3 by SLZ Roadstar and edited by YochiThMaster333 aka Eevee (me).
- Bodykits
- Spoilers
- Rims
- Hoods
- Roof Scoops
- Roof
- Brakes
- Headlights
- Taillights
- Side Mirrors
- Attachments (in order: Seats, Roll Cage, Rear Trunk)
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Rim Paint
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Numbers
- Licenseplates
- Working brakelights
- Available at game start
- Costs 35000 in career mode
- Adapted for YTM's Rim Pack
Known bugs:
- Anyone at the moment
How to install:
- Download and install NFSMW Unlimiter
- Run Binary v2.8.3 as an administrator, click on red (User Mode) icon, then pick ECLIPSE95.end and look for NFSMW game directory (ignore the errors if there are any)
- Run NFS-VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSMW game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick ECLIPSE95.nfsms. Save.
- Run the game and create a new save game. If the car appears visible properly, then you did all right.
Q: What is game directory?
A: That's the folder where your NFSMW installed
Q: ModLoader version when?
A: Never. In fact, the original, ModLoader version, albeit without the what I (Eevee/YochiThMaster333) care the most, can be downloaded from here:
Q: Did you ask SLZ to get perms to edit his stuff?
A: Never did, because I am unable to reach SLZ as of today, since I never heard anything new from him, and even asking him via emails is not possible anymore. So, I had to risk myself.
Uploaded on:
- (this site)
Please don't reupload to these sites.
Thanks to:
- nfsu360 for his NFS-CarToolkit
- Oleg M. for Zmodeler
Visitor Comments
Well thats a simple but complex question to answer, ill leave here the real reason why we all need widebodykits:,their%20car%27s%20performance%20or%20appearance.
*Also most NFS fans and people who play this game and like mods, like it because you expect a lot of modifications that original EA couldn't do ...
I see many modders that can do a simple body add ... But we don't see expert ones who can do amazing things, completing changing car appearence, we love it, we admire that, we share and make it even more famous ... Make videos to show how great the mod art is that make possible to artist create absolutly beautiful creations that wasn't in the original game ...
''The modder The Maker The artist The Genious''.
We already saw great adds in your past mods Eevee
How many reasons is necessary ?
ever made a mod?
Fitting an existing kit is a gamble already, since it can either be made for very similar/same base (easy mode), or be made for entirely different base (and since that means different proportions, it also means hard mode). I won't even say anything about making something yourself, that's entire new level of difficulty.
After fitting the model, you need to make sure it is within limitations (easiest way is to check if kit is under 21k triss, which is hardly lower middle poly), optionally make lods, assign materials, map body for vinyls and add it in binary (easiest part)
if you want to have good quality, then fitting itself can take from 1-2 days. That's if you are willing to work for it for longer than 1 hour. Then, add to it motivation to make a mod (something that is leaving you more the longer you make a mod - reason why I left modding)
that's why
you can go my route and learn modelling and modding yourself just to make car mods you want, that's how i got into it :P
You are not wrong i know it's not a easy work ...
Evee asked me why i need bodykits and thats all ... I just answer
I also give you and every modder all credits due to how hard it is, a lot of time invested and everything else ... If you say hey Nick i can do but it have a price, id say ok how much, because i admire what you do, admire your work when well made, not only me but hte others too, you can see it in many games like Asseto Corsa (example)
If i could say somenthing to you or any modder reading it, id say trust in your work, trust in yourself, in your hability and time invested, be sure that if you do something good people will value it, there is a lot of opportunity for it, I do not mod for NFS but i do it for other games, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh, AOE, Soulcalibur, Counter Strike and some minor games, yes i know is completly different games maybe a lot easier than NFSMW, but what does make me happy is when i see that i ''realize'', and when i not i do not think bad when they don't recognize my work, i just look to make it even better on next version ...
me gusta el coche hermano
It Crash the game when i tried to put a vinyls in this car
you must be using the 1024x vinyl for your game, some of eeve's later cars had 1024x vinyl's link on his readme, go check that out
if there's none..then you out of luck, just delete the vinyl bin on cars>ECLIPSE95 folder
Sorry, but I won't (and can't) do what you asked for. They need to be remastered and adapted to Forza Eclipse base first. While simple bumpers and skirts might be pretty much cakewalk for me (ignoring the remastering the models from lowpoly to highpoly), adapting NFSU2 Widebody kit to Forza Eclipse base is easier said than done (i.e. it would be hard).
There is no HD vinyls in this car, can you add HD vinyls?
There's a link to HD vinyls listed in readme files, because back then I was too afraid to add them to the main archive and it would clog the archive up.
I am also too afraid to add them to the main archive nowadays as well, since knowing that SLZ Roadstar (whom I was unable to contact since he did not raise the eyebrow) would still care of his works being modified without asking him first even though he doesn't even seem to check the internet for at least once in a month or a year... Let's just hope SLZ won't reach me out for modifying his work without his permission.
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