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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Proving Grounds

Proving Grounds
Added On March 16, 2024
Views 1,082
Downloads 82
Version High Stakes
Original Track Raceway 2
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
9.8/10 - 4 votes
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(found this Proving Grounds conversion in Sergi's site [], uploading here because that site is borderline non-functional unless you install Flash or Ruffle, this seems to be the closest thing to be the original conversion -or it actually is- and who knows if it's going down one day due its age -there are also backups of the tracks hosted there-)


-|NFS2 to NFS 4 Track - Proving Grounds final Version |=-



-=|General Information|=-


Track Name : Proving Grounds

Release Date : 01.06.01

Converted by : Ryan T. and Vitaly Kootin

Worked out by : Chris S.

Website :

E-Mail Author :

-=|Track Information|=-


New Mesh : Yes

New Textures : Yes

New Weather : Yes

New Sky Files : Yes




-Step 1.-

Copy all the files in the GT2 dictoriny to C:\Program Files\Electronic

Arts\Need For Speed High Stakes\Data\Tracks\GT2

Then copy all files from "Slides" to C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Need

For Speed High Stakes\Data\FeArt\Slides

and choose yes to overwrite the existing files.

-Step 2.-

Run NFS:HS and choose Raceway 2 as your track.

NOTE: This track can replace any track in HS. (Except the new ones, IE:

Dolphin Cove)


-=| Bugs |=-


Wall Collusion at the start in the parking slot, small problems when u start

with opponents


-=| Terms of Use |=-


This track comes as-is and by using it, I will not be held responsible for


damage that may occur to your computer. I recommend that you scan everything

you dowload from the internet with a good virus scanner before opening it.

This README.txt must always be included in this zip file. This zip file may

not be modfied then distributed.

Even though it is not possible to copyright a track because it is already


copyrighted file, I would prefer you not to edit my work without my


If you are interested in building a track based on this one, please ask me

for permission before doing so. Additional Note: This track was converted


EA's NFS2:SE, so do whatever you want with it.

If you would like to post this track on your site, please send me a quick


letting me know before doing so. Thanks


-=| CHRISST27 |=-


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