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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Summit Speed Track

Summit Speed Track
Added On March 16, 2024
Views 1,067
Downloads 73
Version High Stakes
Original Track Summit
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
9.7/10 - 3 votes
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(had this Proving Grounds conversion edit stashed in my hard drive, uploading here because it can't be found anywhere)

Summit Speed Track

Installation: Data\Tracks\Summit

Totally new design for the dreaded summit track. super fast!


Visitor Comments

  • pete9516 - 4 months ago
    User Date
    Nice reupload, i remember this edit, i think it's a good one, but not sure
  • EvoX - 4 months ago
    User Date
    I c a crazy  Stingray Vette, automatic like.
  • EvoX - 4 months ago
    User Date
    What are the differences with other dudes works?) Just curious. E.g. Pete used to post his version some months ago.
    • AJ_Lethal - 4 months ago
      User Date
      EvoX4 months ago
      pete95164 months ago
      Nikster4 months ago
      It's an edit of the original Proving Grounds conversion, this edit has a lot of props removed (lights, global animated objects, strobe tunnel and part of the pitlane) and has the the sky/horizon from Rocky Pass.
      edited by AJ_Lethal 4 months ago
    • pete9516 - 4 months ago
      User Date
      BTW if you want you can use the speed files/virtual road data from my edit, since fixing the virtual road points for the original conversion is a pain in the *ss, but you would still have to correct the virtual road points' position to the original track shape since my positions are for Proving Grounds 3
    • AJ_Lethal - 4 months ago
      User Date
      pete95164 months ago
      Appreciate the offer but I found out adapting your VR points to the original track layout is a lot of work compared to just fix the track's original VR

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