User Date
Stifen_DYSeptember 04, 2023
DrSpeedAugust 14, 2022
Zalcus20August 14, 2022
bug110August 11, 2022
NFSF1McLarenAugust 10, 2022
MikeAugust 10, 2022

Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Atlantica (HS-Night Spec)

Atlantica (HS-Night Spec)
Added On August 10, 2022
Views 2,670
Downloads 177
Version High Stakes
Original Track Atlantica
Favorited 6 times
Average Rating
10/10 - 6 votes
You must be logged in to rate this track.
File updated on: February 8, 2024

Additional Screenshots


Replaces Atlantica (ATLANTIC)


Initially a simple lighting test with the newest versions of T3ed, it evolved into a full-blown project bringing some much needed life into an emblematic NFS3 track at night.


  • Completely redone vertex lighting
  • Added light sources and light ray geometry
  • Tweaked night and night+weather ini files
  • Some minor geometry fixes (also extended to the day version)
  • Tweaked replay cameras


Extract this folder... ...into this folder
ATLANTIC data\tracks

Used tools:

T3ed | GIMP | Notepad


If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:

  • keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
  • give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod


  • Version 1.0 Rev. A uploaded February 8, 2024

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 2.5 MB.

    -minor mesh tweaks
  • Initial version uploaded August 10, 2022

    AJ_Lethal uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.

Visitor Comments

  • Remko - 2 years ago
    User Date
    AJ_Lethal2 years ago
    bug1102 years ago
    pete95162 years ago
    JimDiabolo2 years ago
    Stifen_DY6 months ago

    What a great idee to update the original track like this, I can't wait to try it out. :thumbsup:

  • JimDiabolo - 2 years ago
    User Date
    AJ_Lethal2 years ago
    Remko2 years ago
    pete95162 years ago
    Stifen_DY6 months ago
    Nikster5 months ago

    It's a huge difference. A city route like Atlantica needed more lights. It's actually weird that the original didn't offer much.

    Well done.

    edited by JimDiabolo 2 years ago
  • Zalcus20 - 2 years ago
    User Date
    AJ_Lethal2 years ago
    Stifen_DY6 months ago
    Remko6 months ago

    WOW! :o

    This is truly a beautiful night mod for Atlantica. Amazing job! 10/10

    I'm going to drive at night more often now. :thumbsup:


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