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fshtool v1.22 no user prompt

fshtool v1.22 no user prompt
Added On April 21, 2023
Views 1,487
Downloads 53
Version High Stakes
File Size 54.2 KB
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
9/10 - 2 votes
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File updated on: March 30, 2024


The only change made from v1.22 was removing all user prompts. (Where fshtool asks you to press a key.) Compatible with Win98 and all later versions.



  • Version 1.1 uploaded March 30, 2024

    bfut uploaded a new version. The new file is 113.03 KB.

    added Windows 98 compatibility
  • Initial version uploaded April 21, 2023

    Denis Auroux, bfut uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.

Visitor Comments

  • JimDiabolo - 1 year ago
    User Date
    bfut1 year ago

    It's nice to see that someone modifies the code of the FSHTool.:thumbsup:

    I made a modification some time ago. You can find it here:

    My version accepts bitmaps with wrong geometry in index.fsh.


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