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NFSHS CARP Generator

NFSHS CARP Generator
Added On October 3, 2021
Views 6,917
Downloads 375
Version High Stakes
File Size 403.87 KB
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9.3/10 - 7 votes
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File updated on: April 30, 2024


NFSHS CARP Generator by AJ_Lethal


A spreadsheet tool that can help you to generate a CARP.txt file from scratch.





-Libreoffice 7.x or later

-MS Excel 2019 or later




-Open either the MS Excel version (.xltx) or the OpenDocument version (.ots)

-There's also a macro-enhanced version of the OpenDocument version (works only on LibreOffice), allowing automated CARP importing and exporting; make sure to allow macro execution in your LibreOffice options. It's labeled a beta because of a couple of bugs (namely imports can't be undone, however you can use the Clear Fields button to reset all fields), but it should work fine.

-Fill in the required data in the Main sheet

-If you need to find info on your car's performance there are a couple of places that could be useful for data, such as:

-Car magazines

-The manufacturer websites

-if everything else fails, pray to Saint Google

-You can also use CarTest to obtain stuff such as acceleration times, torque curve, etc. from car data as well. You can get here at:




-Since it's a DOS program you might need DOSBox to run it

-You can also import (most) of the data from an existing CARP.txt file. Just open the existing CARP with a text editor, copy the contents and paste it column A of the CARP Import sheet. Choose "comma" as separator as prompted.

-The imported CARP data will appear in the Imported CARP Values sheet, you have to copy and paste the data into the Main sheet from there

-Some steering values, opponent data and g-transfer factor won't be imported.

-There's also a FEDATA compare data calculator, it's not 100% accurate but it's close enough.

-When you're done go to the Generated CARP sheet, select the A column and copy it. Then paste it in Notepad and save it as CARP.txt; from there you can import in your car.viv file with NFS Wizard or any other VIV utility.

-There's also the option to generate upgrade CARP files, just enable them in the Main sheet and fill the fields accordingly; then copy the B/C/D columns into new text files and save them as CARP1.txt/CARP2.txt/CARP3.txt

-Since the files are in template formats you can save your CARP setups separately.



-Justin "IH8COPS" Martin, Rudy & Sara (RDP), Mitch Larsen, rata536 and pete9516 for their research on CARP.txt data that was used as the basis for the calculations and tool tips present in the file.

-pete9516 for his opponent acceleration table tutorial ( which I used as the base for the opponent acceleration calculation.



If you're gonna distibute this file, make sure to credit me as the author.



Any questions or suggestions can be sent to ajaguilarnfsc(at)hotmail(dot)com; you can also look for "Need for Speed .R Garage" on Facebook and Twitter.


  • Version 2.0 Rev. A uploaded April 30, 2024

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 403.87 KB.

    - files now are in template format so you can save setups without worrying about (accidentally) messing the file [actually introduced in v2.0 but forgor to mention 💀]
    -fixed text color issues in Excel
  • Version 1.14 uploaded April 27, 2024

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 402.03 KB.

    -revamped UI
    -V2RPM of auto transmission now takes into account the reduced redline the game imposes on auto transmission
    -fixed opponent tables ending with negative numbers on certain circumstances
  • Version 1.96 Rev. A uploaded April 11, 2024

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 373.19 KB.

    -minor formatting fixes
  • Version 1.96 uploaded April 10, 2024

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 371.47 KB.

    -improved opponent accel table calculation, now it yields smoother curves
    -fixed gear blip import values
    -minor formatting tweaks
  • Version 1.11 uploaded May 15, 2023

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 351.33 KB.

    -added macro-enhanced version of the OpenDocument version (works only on LibreOffice), allowing for automated CARP importing and exporting.
  • Version 1.9 Rev. A uploaded April 2, 2023

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 214.33 KB.

    -fixed car class not appearing correctly in Generated CARP sheet
  • Version 1.9 uploaded March 25, 2023

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 213.74 KB.

    -fixed a minor bug in upgraded gear ratios
    -corrected Car Class descriptions and values
    -tweaked and expanded upgrade section: now with a separate field for upgrade 3 0-100 km/h times), also added Min. steering acceleration upgrade.
    -tweaked generation of opponent accel tables for upgraded carps, should be a bit more accurate
    -added upgrade fields for the FEDATA compare calculator
  • Version 1.8 Rev. B uploaded January 13, 2023

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 192.33 KB.

    -tweaked descriptions for Lateral Grip Multiplier
    -fixed FEDATA braking value formula
  • Version 1.8 Rev.A uploaded November 12, 2022

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 206.42 KB.

    -fixed some fielde descriptions
  • Version 1.6 uploaded October 15, 2022

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 206.23 KB.

    -reworked steering section, with now useless sections excised (thanks to rata536 and pete9516 for their findings)
    -fixed imported CARP bug in Gas Off Factor
    -fixed broken torque curve generation for 3rd upgrade
  • Version 1.5 uploaded February 6, 2022

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 194.91 KB.

    -added upgrade CARP data generator
    -added CARP data import
  • Version 1.6 uploaded November 7, 2021

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 123.41 KB.

    -added FEDATA compare calculator (not 100% accurate, but it's close enough)
  • Version 1.3 uploaded October 25, 2021

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 119.28 KB.

    -revamped opponent acceleration table calculations (now based on pete9516's tutorial: )
    -changed some descriptions
  • Version 1.2 uploaded October 10, 2021

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 118.13 KB.

    -Now available in XLSX and ODS formats (XLSX version does not have the torque curve sliders, but it's otherwise functional)
    -Fixed the opponent table tooltips
  • Version 1.0 Rev, A uploaded October 4, 2021

    AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 16.45 KB.

    -tweaked opponent accel table calculation: opponents no longer vastly overpowered
    -tweaked G transfer factor calculation: now it uses the average size of both front and rear wheels
  • Initial version uploaded October 3, 2021

    AJ_Lethal uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.

Visitor Comments

  • noise - 3 years ago
    User Date
    WiLL3 years ago
    EvoX9 months ago

    Looks like a very helpfull tool. Gonna call a shockabsorber factory and ask for the road bumpiness factor;)

  • Venko - 3 years ago
    User Date
    WiLL3 years ago

    What did you use to create this file?

    It gives me warnings about corruption.

    Then, the file is messed up and with mass errors (no graphs too) when I try to open it with 3 different generations of MS Excel.

    • WiLL - 3 years ago
      User Date
      Wow that's to bad... Hope you get it fixed. ? 
    • AJ_Lethal - 3 years ago
      User Date

      I made the file in LibreOffice 7.1.5; I recommend using LibreOffice 7.x or MS Office 2019 onwards to open the file.

      edited by AJ_Lethal 3 years ago
  • Venko - 3 years ago
    User Date

    MS Excel 2019 cannot open this properly :hmm:

    Can you save it to some other format, or... I don't know...

    • AJ_Lethal - 3 years ago
      User Date
      Mike3 years ago
      Venko3 years ago
      pete95163 years ago
      I uploaded an updated version that comes in both .xlsx and .ods formats, the .xlsx version should work just fine.
    • Venko - 3 years ago
      User Date
      AJ_Lethal3 years ago

      Thanks AJ_Lethal! :thumbsup:

      It seems to work now.

  • Zipper - 3 years ago
    User Date
    You can use Google Docs in case you don't have Office/LibreOffice installed.
  • Venko - 10 months ago
    User Date

    It may be cool to mimic the High Stakes theme, but please get back the previous theme or include both. :pray: When I open it, with the latest Excel, it don't look like the screenshot at all. It is a mess of white and dark theme, with hard to read black text on very dark blue background (for example). :cry:

    • AJ_Lethal - 10 months ago
      User Date
      Text color issue should be solved, "automatic" color seems to work slightly different between LO Calc and MS Excel
      edited by AJ_Lethal 10 months ago

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