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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Volga 3110 GTR

Volga 3110 GTR
Added On November 6, 2024
Views 286
Downloads 9
Version High Stakes
Brand Other
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
10/10 - 1 votes
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NFS:HS Features

Class AAA Serial #
Damage Dashboard
Convertible Vidwall
Windows Licence Plate
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0



*Downloaded from*



Car: Volga 3110 GTR (aka VOLGSTER) - (probably, the best NFS Russian car ever made in Russia).

Author: Givix

Special Thanks to DJFuck and Grungy_Harry for making original (not tuned) Volga 3110

and Philipppp for creating the AZLK 2141 Evo II (this car get me some fucking inspiration for doing the Volgster).

Release: 27.01.2003


Good news!

Here comes speed...Meet the newest nitrocharged car from Russia! The car has great 3D model

and textures, compiled with really wikkid driving perfomance (top speed over 300 km/h...).


...Now the bad news....


There are some problems in the showcase: Volga 3110 GTR is a high-quality high-poly car consisting of 11 parts. So there is

a problem with wiewing car in the menu (game will crash showing message "render out of ran" ...or something like this). To

avoid this unpleasant bull shit try to get the highpoly-patch by JP Racing (REALLY GOOD STUFF, BY THE WAY).

This maybe will fix the problem. No bugs were found during racing.



car.viv to Data/Cars/VGGT (try to guess, why I didn't made the VidWall ;)))


All rights of the tuned Volga 3110 (aka VOLGSTER) are the property of Givix.

You may make conversions of my car to the other Games (MM2, GTA3 etc) but futst

you must inform me at Ok stop reading all the bull shit I wrote here

and go try the VOLGSTER!!! Hope you'll like it.

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