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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Ferrari 355 F1 Spider

Ferrari 355 F1 Spider
Added On November 28, 2024
Views 266
Downloads 15
Version High Stakes
Brand Ferrari
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
9/10 - 1 votes
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NFS:HS Features

Class A Serial #
Damage Dashboard Yes
Convertible Yes Vidwall Yes
Windows Clear Licence Plate Customizable
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0
Driver Animated


Ferrari 355 Spyder



ABOUT: The Ferrari 355 is one of the most advanced V8 powered cars In the world. With the first 40 valve V8 and a Formula 1 style Gearbox, this car could take you 183 mph in a heartbeat.

***NOTE***: The speed is actually faster than listed for all Porsches in real life and in the game too! So have fun with it!!!!

FEATURES:Realistic performance. Pretty accurate textures and FCE! Realistic color names. Vidwall.


Place the folder Fberl in the cars directory of NFS4. And QFS in

FEART/VIDWALL section. That’s it!!!

BUGS: Nothing

Just for a little piece of advice…….I’m not responsible for any effects on your NFS4. So don’t blame my car for it! There are no probs with mine. Therefore, there shouldn’t be any with yours. Send comments and requests to my email


Visitor Comments

  • EvoX - 9 days ago
    User Date
    Very cool and accurate

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