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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Audi A6 Avant 2.8E

Audi A6 Avant 2.8E
Added On September 18, 2024
Views 263
Downloads 9
Version High Stakes
Brand Audi
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
9/10 - 1 votes
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Additional Screenshots

NFS:HS Features

Class Serial #
Damage Dashboard
Convertible Vidwall
Windows Licence Plate
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0


This was my dreamcar in year 1996

I saw this US-Version and made the car at one day


class A

Serialnr. 14

2672 Faces (for all)


roofrails as convertibleoption

have fun with it

You aren't allowed to convert or modify the car without my permission!!!

The car is only available where I uploaded it!

Converters or Editors with permission will list on the uploadpage.

Christian Xaver


NUH Creations

10:48 24.04.2005

Visitor Comments

  • Jordy 404 - 19 days ago
    User Date

    I always wondered how modders blacked out the interior to look like an underground car :hmm::hmm::hmm:

    • pete9516 - 19 days ago
      User Date
      Jordy 40418 days ago
      With ZModeler you can select the faces and go into custom face settings and there are different flags which do different stuff like backface culling, chrome, transparent, etc.

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