User Date
Paul SpainNovember 06, 2024

Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Volga 3110 Rossiyskaya politsiya

Volga 3110 Rossiyskaya politsiya
Added On November 6, 2024
Views 358
Downloads 7
Version High Stakes
Favorited 1 times
Average Rating
9/10 - 1 votes
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Additional Screenshots

NFS:HS Features

Class AA Serial #
Damage Dashboard
Convertible Vidwall
Windows Licence Plate
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Volga 3110 Russian police>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Volga 3110 Russian police>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Volga 3110 Russian police

Authors: Grungy_Harry ( and Givix ( of NuVision Crew

Based on: stock Volga 3110 by Grungy Harry

NuVision Crew is:

Grungy Harry (rebuilding an original car)

Givix (texture mapping)

K_Cat (dummies)

POLIWAG (beta testing)


1) Create a new folder called "MEHT" in your "X:\NFSHS\Data\Cars"-directory.

2) Copy the "car.viv" to this new folder.

3) If contained in the zip-file, copy *.qfs to "X:\NFSHS\Data\FeArt\VidWall"!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT STUFF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT STUFF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT STUFF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IMPORTANT STUFF

This car has serial number 20 - the same as for standart EA's Chevrolet Camaro. So you need to backup your X:\NFSHS\Data\Cars\PCam and post "MEHT" folder instead

(after that you'll be able to examine yourself in escaping from serious Russian police armed with Kalashnikov mashine guns - it's funny... ;))).

Otherwise, you will get the serial number error. Anyway, you can get NFS Wizard by Jesper Juul-Mortensen and change the serial number of car as ya want.

All rights of THIS pursuit car are the property of NuVision Crew!

Credits for baardk - we had to use a siren from his '77 Pursuit Ford LTD (Very nice car strongly recomended for downloading)

P.S.:All "Need for Speed"-Titles are registered Trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.!


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