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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Downloads

Test Runway HD

Test Runway HD
Added On April 11, 2024
Views 781
Downloads 60
Version Hot Pursuit
Original Track Rocky Pass
Favorited 0 times
Average Rating
10/10 - 2 votes
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Additional Screenshots


A HD version of AJ_Lethal Test Runway.


- HD Textures,

Thanks to:

- AJ_Lethal for permission to create HD textures version of the track,

- edwardgeo for permission to use his HD textures

Original readme included, all the restrictions are the same:

  • keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
  • give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
  • Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.

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