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NFS3 Showcase/History Toolkit
AJ's NFS3 Showcase/History Files Toolkit
This is a toolkit to compile NFS3 showcase and history files, it uses JimD's version of FSHTool which is packed in the files. Also included templates in GIMP XCF format.
How to use:
-Extract the files to some folder in your hard drive
-Edit the bmps in the bitmaps folder
-Best results if you use the following tutorials:
-Manufacturer logo and loading slides:
-Showcase and history files:
-Photo album slides:
-Run the "compile.bat" file, and follow the prompts there.
-Generated files will be in the "_output" folder.
Version 1.1
uploaded February 25, 2024
AJ_Lethal uploaded a new version. The new file is 5.43 MB.
-added automated history qfs element generation on compilation; editing the his.fsh file is no longer necessary -
Initial version
uploaded April 2, 2023
AJ_Lethal uploaded initial version. The original file is 0 B.
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