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NFSC: U2 Garage Pack
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This mod is a convertion of all garages from Underground 2 to Carbon.
It also includes custom camera position for Main and Career menu.
You can rotate car using "<" and ">" keys. You can also change keys in the "NFSCFELoader.ini".
Garage replacements:
Main - Showroom
Safehouse Exotic - Parts Shop
Safehouse Tuner - Career Safehouse
Safehouse Muscle - Perfomance Shop
CarLot Mazda - Audio Shop
CarLot Exotic - Carlot
CarLot Tuner - Paint Shop
CarLot Muscle - Megalo Shop
1. Copy "FRONTEND" and "scripts" folder to your game directory
2. Download NFS-VltEd
3. Run NFS-VltEd, import Camera_Install.nfsms, save
4. Run the game and enjoy the mod
1. Delete "NFSCFELoader.asi" from NFSC\scripts
2. Run NFS-VltEd, import Camera_Uninstall.nfsms, save
MaxHwoy - Binary
nfsu360 - NFS-Cartoolkit
heyitsleo - AssetDumper
Blender Foundation - Blender
nerepl1/rybetasz and KG - Testing
TerminatorVasya (me) - Editing NFSCFeLoader to have disc support and making this mod
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