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MADMAN_nfsOctober 27, 2024
Stifen_DYSeptember 03, 2023
JimDiaboloMarch 18, 2023

Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Lost Canyons - 4x Hi-Res Textures Rework, Version 1

Lost Canyons - 4x Hi-Res Textures Rework, Version 1
Added On March 14, 2023
Views 2,252
Downloads 261
Version High Stakes
Original Track Lost Canyons
Favorited 3 times
Average Rating
9.9/10 - 10 votes
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Need For Speed 4: High Stakes - Lost Canyons 4x Textures Rework, Version 1


New Track reworked textures with resolution up to 4x details

New Sky reworked environment with 2x more details of horizon, 4x more detailed clouds


Need for Speed 4: High Stakes - N4S4 Modern Patch v.0.1.0


1. Extract this archive

2. Navigate to your "Need For Speed - High Stakes" folder, then "Data" folder

2.A. Navigate to "FeArt\Slides", backup "T15_00.QFS" and replace it with the new one from downloaded Archive

3. Navigate to your "Need for Speed - High Stakes" folder, then "Data" folder

3.A. Navigate to "Tracks\Lostcany", backup "Sky.QFS","Tr0.QFS" and replace them with the new one from downloaded Archive

Used tools:

Wine | FSHTool | Photoshop | TextEdit


Give me proper credit (edwardgeo) for creating the rework modification

Also if sharing, add please teaser video of the modification

Enjoy racing!

Visitor Comments

  • offroader_X - 2 years ago
    User Date
    edwardgeo2 years ago
    Well done, and thanks for sharing this! Lost canyons track was due for a texture update. I like how the ruins in the canyon turned out.
    • edwardgeo - 2 years ago
      User Date
      EvoX2 years ago

      Thanks you for your feedback!

      Ruins are a hardcore mix of Hopi Tribe architecture in rocks and Peru stucco on the facade. Due to a very low quality original textures, it was really hard to imagine the original concept of EA designers, but whatever, maybe someone knows this topic better to suggest texture variations.

      Hope that one day EA will make remake of NFS series :)

  • JimDiabolo - 2 years ago
    User Date
    pete95162 years ago

    I can only agree, really cool textures that fit perfectly.


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