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Need for Speed High Stakes Downloads

Formula Cars Benetton B199 - Wurz

Formula Cars Benetton B199 - Wurz
Added On November 15, 2024
Views 332
Downloads 22
Version High Stakes
Brand Formula Cars
Favorited 0 times
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Additional Screenshots

NFS:HS Features

Class AAA Serial #
Damage Dashboard Yes
Convertible No Vidwall No
Windows Licence Plate
Top Speed 0 mph
0 kmh
Polycount 0
Driver Animated


Add on car for Need For Speed 4

Title : Benetton B199 - Wurz

Files included : Wurz.viv, Benetton_Wurz_readme.txt, Benetton_Wurz_install.bat

Version : 1.0

Release date : 27.01.2000

Author : Thomas Egelkraut

E-mail :

Homepage :

* Installation *

Unzip the in your main NFS4 directory (this directory includes the nfshs.exe file).

(To find the nfshs.exe simply press the START button of Windows, click FIND, then FILES OR

FOLDER. Now search for nfshs.exe. The search result shows you the folder which includes the

nfshs.exe file)

Start the Benetton_Wurz_install.bat batchfile which installs all necessary files.

Start NFS4, select the mode you want to play, go to Car selection and scroll down until you see the

Benetton B199 - Wurz. Choose it, and that's it.

Start Racing and have a lot of fun.

If you don't trust my bat-File you can easy install the car by your own:

- open the explorer

- go to your main NFS4 directory (includes the nfshs.exe)

- go to the following subdirectory: Data\Cars\ (important: don´t install the car to SaveData\Cars directory,

it won´t work)

- create a subdirectory for the car: Wurz

- extract all files which are part of the zip-files to this subdirectory , and rename the file Wurz.viv to car.viv!!!!!

If you want to play online, or give someone a replay, or a ghost file they MUST have this car on their computer

in the NFS4 directory.

* Updates *

* Planned Updates*

- Car damage

- Showroom, Slideshow

* Known Bugs*


* Sites for download *

This file, coming updates and new cars can be downloaded from the following sites:

Tom´s Garage

* Credits *

Thanks to EA for making the game.

Thanks to Chris Barnard for writing Carcad.

Thanks to Jesper Juul-Mortensen for writing Viv Wizard.

Thanks to Tel and Sergio Del Rosso. I used the great paintjobs they made for the game "Racing Simulation 2"

as base for my paintjob.

Thanks to all the people who send me pictures of the cars (to many to write all their names).

* Copyright / Permissions *

This program and all files within the are copyright 2000 by the author, Egelkraut

Thomas. You do not have permission to put it on any CD-ROM or other media (including

magazine cover cd´s, and compilations) that is to be retailed without the authors prior written


The file itself, in its ORIGINAL STATE, may be distributed at no cost to anyone!

Please feel free to send it to your friends.

You can use it as a base for your work, but you have to credit me for this and notify me before you

release it!!!!

If you put this on your homepage for download, be so kind and inform me. In this

case I am able to send you coming updates and new files.

All logos and names contained within this car are trademarks or registered trademarks of

their respective owners.

Electronic Arts is Copyright

All Need For Speed Titles are Copyright of Electronic Arts

Need For Speed 4 is Copyright of Electronic Arts 1999

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